General health, internal conditions, and routine care.
Cosmetic treatments for enhanced appearance and skin health.
Comprehensive care for adult diseases.
Skin and related conditions.
Routine check-ups and preventative care.
Other general medical concerns.
Non-surgical facial treatments for rejuvenation.
Procedures to shape and sculpt the body.
Treatments for hair loss and regrowth.
Advanced treatments for youthful skin.
Therapies to slow or reverse aging signs.
Other aesthetic concerns.
Please ensure that the amount paid matches the consultation fee for your selected condition. If an incorrect amount is paid or payment is not received, the consultation will not be processed. Rates vary based on the condition; please see our Terms & Conditions for details.
Upon payment confirmation, we will contact you promptly. If we are unable to honor your consultation, you will receive a full reimbursement. Note: This service does not replace urgent medical care. In emergencies, please visit a hospital immediately.